Brrrrrrrr! What a cold Monday to serve our Community Free Lunch this week! We distributed 210 lunches to families and individuals who braved the chilly winds. Despite the cold temps, smiles were warm, hearts were grateful, and bellies were filled with hot soup, fresh fruit, homemade cake, and a few other items. We hope Dr. Martin Luther King would be proud of our service to others on his memorial day.
The kitchen crew certainly got into the spirit of giving as you can see in a video posted on our church Facebook page. Scott played some background music for us as we were working, and our joy just could not be contained! The volunteer team was happy to welcome back a few familiar faces, and we could certainly feel God’s love among us as we worked together to help our local community.
Thank you to all who helped make our Free Lunch mission possible this month. We are grateful to Don and June Hinkle, the Carlson Family, our regular monthly donors, and the volunteer team. Food insecurity is a real challenge to many families, right here in our community. Thank you to all for helping us fight hunger. . Enjoy some pics of our Free Community Lunch January mission on our church Facebook page if you have the opportunity.