Presbyterian Women
ALL women are invited to become members of the Presbyterian Women of the Church of Catasauqua and invited to participate in any of our scheduled activities. All women are welcome to join our PW Circle which is a smaller group of dedicated women gathering monthly for a Bible-based program and Christian fellowship in order to become better acquainted with our mission in God's World. Circle meetings are usually held on the third Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. in the Lounge.
The Women's Board sponsors the Fall Vendor Fair and Craft Show in Autumn as well as a Vendor Fair and Craft Show in the Spring, offering both crafts, fleas, bake sale, and a Chinese auction. Proceeds are used to help finance mission work on a local and world-wide level.
We are committed to nurture faith through prayer and Bible study; to support the mission of the church, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that witness to the promise of God's Kingdom.
We welcome any lady of any age to join us at any time.
“Come away to a quiet place and rest awhile.”
Mark 6:31